Host a Killer Fantasy Football Draft

Every year, my husband’s family hosts the big family fantasy football draft. It is incredibly competitive but so much fun! His aunt and uncles host the event at their vacation home, and in-person attendance is mandatory. No virtual drafting! My husband also participates in a work fantasy football league. They draft online, but we always invite the league to come draft together at our house and have a party. We have so much fun with both drafts, so I thought I’d share how we make them special.

When planning food for the draft, I knew we couldn’t have a fancy sit-down dinner because everyone needed room on the table for their laptops. The food needed to be more of a grab-and-go style so people could fill their plate quickly before their next draft pick. I also didn’t want to make something that required a fork and knife since they are on their laptops. They need 1 hand free.

I decided to make a burger bar- we grilled lots of burgers and set out every topping imaginable so everyone could build their ideal burger. We had 2 types of buns, whole wheat and white seeded buns. Wheat buns make burgers a whole food, right? Next year I think I may get brioche buns and maybe a few pretzel buns. Yum. Anyway, I caramelized some onions ahead of time, cooked a ton of bacon, chopped all the veggies, made some guac, and put the cheeses on platters. Then I made fun chalk board signs with descriptions for popular types of burgers. Here are some examples. Feel free to write out any favorite combinations your family likes or from your favorite restaurant.

Cowboy Burgers: bacon, onion straws, pepperjack cheese, BBQ sauce, and lettuce

California Burger: bacon, cheddar, guacamole, lettuce, tomato

The Classic: lettuce, tomato, onion, ketchup, mayo

You get the idea. The possibilities are endless. I also made a batch of brownies for dessert and cut them into football shapes. Then I just added a bit of white icing. They were cute and easy to grab! I made a lemon pie too, because why not? Not on theme but still good šŸ™‚

We also like to decorate for the drafts. This includes some football-themed paper goods, tablecloths, and a draft board. You can find these online. They are fun to have hung up so everyone can look at each team’s players after the draft and give first impressions. Filling in the draft board is a fun job for a spectator at the draft, like a significant other or relative that is there for the party but doesn’t need to draft themselves.

Even if your draft is online, I recommend getting together for the event. Computers are great, but nothing beats being face to face.

Simple Party Planning

Big events with friends and family can feel overwhelming for any host, whether you entertain often or are hosting for the first time. I wanted to share some simple tips for hosting so you can confidently say yes to welcoming loved ones into your home.

Choose a Menu That Benefits You

It can be tempting to come up with a fancy menu to show off for guests, and if it you have the time and energy to do that, go for it! That being said, there is no need to put more pressure on yourself than is good for you. If you are stressed by planning parties, or have time constraints because of work or children, plan a menu that can be done mostly ahead of time to spread out the work. I love crock pot recipes for parties because I can usually make the recipe the day before, or even the week before it freezing is an option. Then the morning of the party I just toss the food in the crock pot and leave it alone while I set up. One of my go-to recipes is My Favorite Meatballs. I brown the meatballs early in the week, let them cool, and freeze them. They still taste great even after being frozen! I refer these to store-bought frozen meatballs because you can control/adjust the ingredients as needed for food allergies, and you know they haven’t been frozen for months.


I also like to make pasta dishes ahead of time. Pasta can be cooked the day before- just cook, toss in a bit of olive oil so it doesn’t stick together, cool, and store in a plastic bag or container. I also make the sauce ahead of time, cool it, and store it separately. I just combine the pasta and sauce the next day and reheat. Just be sure not to dry it out! You can heat the pasta at 325 degrees. Then, once hot, serve immediately or lower the heat to 250 degrees to keep warm until you’re ready. This saves a lot of time sweating over the stove on the day of the party. My favorite pasta dish right now is Spicy Creamy Bowties.

Spicy Creamy Bowties

Be Prepared

This may seem like an obvious tip- be prepared. Let’s get specific…

If I plan on baking a dessert the morning of a party, I make sure to set up the ingredients ahead of time as much as I can. I combine the dry ingredients and leave it in a covered bowl so I don’t need to clean a bunch of measuring spoons before the party. I make sure to leave butter out to soften if I need it. I measure out as much as I can ahead of time. This makes my morning much smoother and eliminates many day-of dish washing.

If I need to cook the day of, I like to measure and chop as many ingredients as possible ahead of time. Again, less dishes in the morning! I try to put all the clean dishes away and wipe down the counters the night before so I only need to clean a small area immediately before guests arrive.

Chopped veggies for tomorrow’s veggie tray

I also like to set the table, if possible. This can be at night before bed so we can still use our table for dinner. Setting the table saves time and spares me some anxiety the day of the party. I also set out the crock pots and serving dishes where I want them. Same goes for decorations. Outside of helium balloons and fresh flowers, I do all decorating ahead of time. This makes setting up on the day so smooth and simple.

All set up the night before!

Make a Checklist

I usually have a checklist in my planner for the day of the party as well as the days leading up to the party. I try to put them in order of what needs to be done. General dusting/vacuuming, clean bathrooms, mop kitchen, prep food, etc. all go on the list for the days before. The day-of list includes all details for food in a timeline so I don’t forget something I made ahead and threw in the fridge. I also write things like ‘turn on all lights’ and ‘light candles’ so the house feels welcoming. It’s easy to forget those little details when rushing to get ready. Make sure to leave time to get ready and wear an apron when setting out food so you don’t spill on your outfit before people arrive. Speaking from experience on that one!

That’s it!

I hope these tips give you the confidence to invite family and friends over without anxiety over the preparations. Providing a gathering place has brought us so much joy, and I hope the same for you! Do you enjoy hosting? Let me know if you have any other tips!

Affordable Hospitality

Hospitality on a Budget

So you love hosting but you need to keep costs down? This is the post for you. I also love entertaining, but going out of control on the budget is not good for our family, plus we wonā€™t be able to entertain again! Here are some of my go-to staples I always have on hand for hosting.

  1. Candles

You want your house to smell good when people walk in. Candles also warm up a space and make it feel cozy. I love Yankee Candles because their smell really fills the room. I know they can be expensive, but Iā€™m on their email list and get coupons for buy 1 get 2 free candles regularly. Thatā€™s a great deal! It makes them much more affordable. If they still seem too pricey after that discount there are other good brands out there. I also love Bath and Body Works Candles, and their email coupons can have some good discounts. I suggest buying a few candles in your price range and testing them out at different times. A lower price tag may mean low quality, and thereā€™s no point in burning a candle that you canā€™t smell. Keep the smells pleasant and neutral. Safe scents could be vanilla, fresh linen, and lemon. I love pumpkin, coffee, lavender, and anything named latte or cookie. Floral candles can be nice too but sometimes they are strong so be careful! Our out of town visitors also love local anything, so I also get some candles from a local small business. Obviously, the possibilities are endless so pick something you like that isn’t too intense.

Some favorite candles: Uncle Ron’s River Wards Candle, Lemon Cakes JJ’s Diner Candle, Bath and Body Works Pumpkin Cupcake Candle, and ET Scent Butterbeer Candle

2. Coffee and Tea

I think most of us have coffee and tea in our house for personal use. If for some reason you have no dependency on caffeine, I suggest you buy some coffee and tea just to keep in the cabinet or fridge for when guests come. If you donā€™t want to buy a coffee pot or donā€™t have the room you can buy a French press. They are cute, affordable, small, and easy to store. You use hot water from the tea kettle to make coffee. Itā€™s ideal to have options for regular and decaf. Most people would agree hot beverages enhance their interactions and make them comfortable. So settle in with a mug!

My favorite espresso beans from Zelie Beans Coffee

3. Cookie Dough

I enjoy making cookies from scratch as much as the next girl, but some days I donā€™t have the time. I like to keep ready-made cookie dough handy in case I get last-minute guests so I have something to serve them without going crazy. You can buy cookie dough to keep in the fridge, or if youā€™re a stickler for homemade, just make a big batch of dough and freeze it into small sections. I’ve done this many times and you can take cookie dough from freezer to oven, just keep an eye on them. The baking time may vary by a few minutes.

Favorite chocolate chip cookies

4. Alcohol

We always keep a few beers in the fridge, a bottle or two of wine, some gin, and tonic water in the house.This way if friends decide to come over for a nightcap after dinner we are ready to accommodate them without having to stop at the store on the way home. You donā€™t need a fully stocked bar all the time. Just have some favorites ready to serve. Buy what you like so it doesn’t go to waste, and if you have regular guests that love a particular drink, keep that handy too. They’ll feel so loved if you have their preferred beer or specialty cocktail on hand.

Always ready for a Gin and Tonic

5. Cheese & Meat Tray

I usually keep a few blocks of various cheeses and some Spanish or Italian meats in my meat drawer. They usually keep for awhile unopened. I also try to have crackers or a loaf of French bread in the house as well. These trays are always a hit and if they get near the expiration date, just have a tapas-style dinner so nothing goes to waste. We love meat and cheese so it almost never goes uneaten. Other things to elevate your charcuterie board are olives, grapes, hummus, cucumbers, and carrots. The possibilities are endless.

I hope Iā€™ve given you a few ideas to help you confidently accept last-minute guests. Happy hosting!

Homemade Happy Hour

Bonjour! Iā€™m going to reminisce a bit about our trip to Paris! We had a beautiful week in the City of Lights in April 2018 and I still dream about our days there.

We experienced a charming culture filled with so much history and tradition. We saw some of those most gorgeous architecture and ate some seriously delectable food. Usually when we return from a trip we reflect on our time there, discussing the cultural differences we really enjoyed. One of our favorite things was the pace of meals at dinnertime. Whenever we went out to eat people seemed to dine for hours. They would order wine and appetizers, then more wine and soup, then more wine and dinner, then dessert with coffee or a cognac. People just sit back, relax, and keep dinner casual. They seemed so focused on the friends around them, never rushing to get somewhere. When you have dinner, you are giving your whole night to your friends. It is lovely. Thereā€™s something so peaceful about slowing down and enjoying the company of others uninterrupted. No one is checking their watches and calling for the check. 

We wanted to incorporate some of this casual dining into our routine at home. We knew we couldnā€™t swing regular all night 4-course dinners, but we could incorporate a happy hour! We started when we got home. Now we have happy hour every Friday night when Tom gets home from work. I put on my ā€˜French Cooking Musicā€™ pandora station, fix us some snacks, and make cocktails in our fancy glasses. We sit back and talk about our weeks. This is an hour with no screens or distractions, just the two of us (and any guests who may come over) spending time together and winding down with a fun beverage. Itā€™s a great way to connect, slow down, and love each other. When the weather is good we enjoy our drinks out back on the patio. Thereā€™s really no wrong way to have a happy hour. Iā€™ve started experimenting with unique drinks (link). Itā€™s fun to try new things and you donā€™t need a ton of ingredients.

Gin & Tonics with some homemade apps šŸ™‚

Our Home: A Mission of Hospitality

What is your mission? Well that got deep quick! Not to sound too intense, but I believe everyone is called to a particular mission. This can go beyond a career, but sometimes they overlap. Everyone has strengths and passions that should be shared with others and bring goodness and beauty into the world.

When my husband and I were engaged, we went through a 7-week marriage prep series with a mentor couple. The material was great and the couple was so supportive. During marriage prep we decided part of our mission as a family was to have a home of hospitality. What the heck does that mean?

Fantasy Football Draft Burger Bar

Well, good question. The short answer is we want everyone who enters our home to feel welcomed, honored, and comfortable. What a nice idea! But how exactly do we do that? Doesnā€™t everyone want that? Iā€™m sure no one invites people over and has no desire for them to be happy or welcomed. Who would do that? What weā€™re going for is intention. I donā€™t want people to think, ā€œWow. Sheā€™s organized.ā€ I want them to think, ā€œWow. We feel so at home here.ā€ I want them to feel valued. I donā€™t want a pat on the back to show off my skills. I want people to feel important, to feel worthy of a fuss. Donā€™t we all need that reminder? We are all worth fussing over. This isnā€™t just about how you present your home for the annual Christmas party. This is about welcoming people in regularly. Itā€™s about always being ready to host, never turning someone away who arrives unexpectedly. Youā€™re not just opening a door; youā€™re sharing your life with them. The decor, the photos, even the paint colors. All of this is a reflection of the homeā€™s inhabitants, so show them who you are! Share life with them!

Annual Christmas Party 2018

Our home has been used for so many occasions. Weā€™ve had various birthday parties, Christmas gatherings, family holidays, Bible studies, marriage prep, quizzo, quiplash tournaments, fantasy football drafts, baby showers, you name it! Friends ask us to host meetings or parties because our home is always ready. We welcome people without hesitation (for the most part) and we love that. Even my introverted husband is passionate about this. He wants people to come to our home so we can show them love and support.

Small Easter Brunch 2020

We have so many cherished memories with family and friends within these walls. I also want to add that we donā€™t have a large home! We live in a city twin home that is plenty of room for us but by no means big. I think thereā€™s a misconception that you need lots of space to be a good host. There are ways to make a big impression in a small space. People can be comfortable and close. Our house might end up a bit cozier and less glamorous, but itā€™s home. We like being close. We like bringing people home.